
Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

  • Headteacher – Mr M Couper-Barton
  • Deputy Headteacher / KS1 Lead – Mrs S Davies
  • Early Years Lead – Miss L Alderson
  • KS2 Lead – Miss H Davys
  • SENDCO – Mrs K Tyson
  • Pupil Premium / Achievement for All – Miss E Timperley
  • Business Manager – Mrs N Carroll

Teaching Staff


  • Nursery BB – Mrs S Barlow and Ms L Brodie
  • Reception PS – Miss P Sidlow
  • Reception LA – Miss L Alderson
  • Year 1LH – Mrs L Heaton
  • Year 1WO – Miss W O’Connell
  • Year 2SC – Mrs S Collier
  • Year 2HS – Mrs H Sutcliffe
  • Year 3ER – Mr E Riley
  • Year 3ET – Miss E Timperley
  • Year 4JS – Mr J Stevens
  • Year 5JH – Mr J Hayes
  • Year 6HD – Miss H Davys

Teaching Assistants

  • Early Years: Miss S McLuckie, Mrs D Kirk, Miss R Cox, Mrs N Fogerty, Mrs J Giblin and Miss T Horabin
  • Key Stage One: Mrs N Mahmood, Mrs S Armstrong and Miss M Rogerson
  • Key Stage Two: Mrs J Howard, Miss L Gee, Miss L Wild and Miss N Sweeney
  • Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA): Mr R Choudhury and Mrs G Schofield
  • Sports Leader – Mr M Holmes

Support Staff

Office / Pastoral

  • Executive Business Manager – Mrs N Carroll
  • Administrators- Mrs T Ahad, Mrs Q Bhatti and Miss G Coe
  • Pastoral Overview – Mrs G Stanley
  • Pastoral Support Assistant (Attendance)- Mr A Humphries
  • Site Manager – Mr M Rigg

Mid-day Supervisors

  • Miss S Eni
  • Ms S Grogan
  • Ms G Coe
  • Ms R McClusky
  • Miss N Chapman
  • Mr M Holmes
  • Mrs V Deveney
  • Miss M Aspin
  • Mrs R Anhar

Kitchen Team

  • Mrs T Myers
  • Mrs J Stevens
  • Mrs D Shaw
  • Mrs L Morris

Cleaning Team

  • Mr M Rigg
  • Mr M Holmes
  • Mrs D Shaw
  • Miss L Towers

Breakfast Club

  • Mrs N Mahmood
  • Miss S McLuckie
  • Mrs D Shaw

Subject Leadership

Mayfield Primary School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is and the phone number 0161 785 5082.